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When you enter a long command into the Terminal window that you found on the web or in a document, you can save yourself some time by easily copying and pasting the command at the prompt.
Update: Read our in-depth guide to copy-pasting text at the Linux command-line for more detailed tips and tricks.
更新 :閱讀我們的深入指南,以在Linux命令行上複制粘貼文本,以獲取更多詳細的提示和技巧。
To begin, highlight the text of the command you want on the webpage or in the document you found. Press Ctrl + C to copy the text.
首先,在網頁或找到的文檔中突出顯示所需命令的文本。 按Ctrl + C複制文本。

Press Ctrl + Alt + T to open a Terminal window, if one is not already open. Right-click at the prompt and select “Paste” from the popup menu.
如果尚未打開終端窗口,請按Ctrl + Alt + T打開。 右鍵單擊提示,然後從彈出菜單中選擇“粘貼”。

The text you copied is pasted at the prompt. Press Enter to execute the command.
您複制的文本將粘貼在提示符處。 按Enter執行命令。

The command is executed like you typed in yourself.

You can also copy text from the Terminal window to paste into other programs. Simply highlight the text, right-click on it, and select “Copy” from the popup menu. You can paste this text into a text editor, word processor, etc.
您也可以從“終端”窗口複制文本以粘貼到其他程序中。 只需突出顯示文本,右鍵單擊它,然後從彈出菜單中選擇“複制”即可。 您可以將此文本粘貼到文本編輯器,文字處理器等中。

When pasting a copied command into the Terminal window, you can use the arrow keys to navigate through the command and use the backspace key to delete text and retype it, if desired. This is useful if you want to copy a long command that has placeholders for certain parts of the command. You can easily change those to customize the command to your needs.
將複制的命令粘貼到“終端”窗口中時,可以根據需要使用箭頭鍵瀏覽該命令,並使用退格鍵刪除文本並重新鍵入。 如果要複制包含命令某些部分的占位符的長命令,這很有用。 您可以輕松更改它們,以根據需要自定義命令。
翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/203741/how-to-copy-and-paste-text-into-the-linux-terminal/
